Saturday, August 31, 2019
Most Influential Persons in History
The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History 1 The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History The cover of the 1992 edition. Author(s) Country Language Series Michael H. Hart United States English 1st Edition (1978) 2nd Edition (1992) History Non-Fiction Hart Publishing company 1978 1978 Print 9780806513508 644066940 [1] Subject(s) Genre(s) Publisher Publication date Published in English Media type ISBN OCLC Number The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History is a 1978 book by Michael H.Hart, reprinted in 1992 with revisions. It is a ranking of the 100 people who, according to Hart, most influenced human history. [2] The first person on Hart's list is the Prophet of Islam Muhammad. [3] Hart asserted that Muhammad was â€Å"supremely successful†in both the religious and secular realms. He also believed that Muhammad's role in the development of Islam was far more infl uential than Jesus' collaboration in the development of Christianity. He attributes the development of Christianity to St. Paul, who played a pivotal role in its dissemination.The 1992 revisions included the demotion of figures associated with Communism, such as Vladimir Lenin and Mao Zedong, and the introduction of Mikhail Gorbachev. Hart took sides in the Shakespearean authorship issue and substituted Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford for William Shakespeare. Hart also substituted Niels Bohr and Henri Becquerel with Ernest Rutherford, thus correcting an error in the first edition. Henry Ford was also promoted from the â€Å"Honorary Mentions†list, replacing Pablo Picasso. Finally, some of the rankings were re-ordered, although no one listed in the top ten changed position.Hart wrote another book in 1999, entitled A View from the Year 3000,[4] voiced in the perspective of a person from that future year and ranking the most influential people in history. Roughly half of th ose entries are fictional people from 2000–3000, but the remainder are actual people. These were taken mostly from the 1992 edition, with some re-ranking of order. The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History 2 Hart's Top 10 (from the 1992 edition) Rank Name Time Frame Image Occupation Influence The central human figure of Islam, regarded by Muslims as a prophet of God and the last messenger.Active as a social reformer, diplomat, merchant, philosopher, orator, legislator, military leader, humanitarian, philanthropist. English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian. His law of universal gravitation and three laws of motion laid the groundwork for classical mechanics. The central figure of Christianity, revered by Christians as the Son of God and the incarnation of God. Also regarded as a major prophet in Islam. 1 Muhammad c. 570–632 Secular and religious leader 2 Isaac Newton 1643–1727 Scientist 3 Jes us Christ 7–2 BC – 26–36 AD Spiritual leader 4 Buddha 563–483 BCSpiritual leader Spiritual teacher and philosopher from ancient India. Founder of Buddhism and is also considered an Gautama Buddha in Hinduism. 5 Confucius 551–479 BC Philosopher Chinese thinker and social philosopher, founder of Confucianism, whose teachings and philosophy have deeply influenced Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese and Indonesian thought and life. 6 Paul of Tarsus 5–67 AD Christian apostle One of the most notable of early Christian missionaries, credited with proselytizing and spreading Christianity outside of Palestine (mainly to the Romans) and author of numerous letters of the New Testament of the Bible. Cai Lun 50–121 AD Political official in imperial China Widely regarded as the inventor of paper and the papermaking process. 8 Johannes Gutenberg 1398–1468 Inventor German printer who invented the mechanical printing press. 9 Christopher Colu mbus Albert Einstein 1451–1506 Explorer Italian navigator, colonizer and explorer whose voyages led to general European awareness of the American continents. German-born theoretical physicist, best known for his theory of relativity and specifically mass–energy equivalence, expressed by the equation E = mc2. 0 1879–1955 Scientist The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History 3 References [1] http:/ / worldcat. org/ oclc/ 644066940 [2] Michael H. Hart The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History. first published in 1978 (http:/ / books. google. com/ books? id=CUxmAAAAMAAJ), reprinted with minor revisions 1992 (http:/ / books. google. com/ books? id=jvbNRbDKY1wC). ISBN 978-0-8065-1068-2 [3] The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History (http:/ / physics. hallym. ac. r/ ~physics/ course/ a2u/ evolution/ img/ toptenlistweb. pdf) [4] Michael H. Hart. A view from the year 3000: a ranking of the 100 most influentia l persons of all time; first published in 1999 (http:/ / books. google. com/ books? id=8xEHAAAACAAJ& dq) External links †¢ Religious Affiliation of History's 100 Most Influential People (http://www. adherents. com/adh_influ. html) Article Sources and Contributors 4 Article Sources and Contributors The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History  Source: http://en. wikipedia. org/w/index. php? ldid=541009470  Contributors: *Kat*, 28bytes, 2A01:E35:2E17:73A0:655B:291D:6556:97AA, 2A01:E35:8B97:1660:1488:120F:F261:9756, 2D, Aatifwahab, Abunizam, Adeel IGIS, Admit-the-truth, Afro7, Ahsan99, Aizlumzan, Ajraddatz, Akudikiryu, Alansohn, Alhanief, Allens, Alvaro, AmRadioHed, Andrei S, Andycjp, Anonymous editor, Antiuser, Ashley P, Atemperman, Auximines, BD2412, Backpackadam, Badassmcgee, Badgerpatrol, Barrkel, Baseball Watcher, Bchaosf, Begoon, Bejesus, Ben Ram, Bender235, Benjamin Mako Hill, Bento00, Bigblue1892, Bigturtle, Bill Thayer, Billyjoekoepsel, Blaylockjam1 0, Bobo192, Bruce1ee, Brutannica, Bstbll, Btwied, Bucketsofg, Buddy christ2012, CL8, Callum20000005, CambridgeBayWeather, CanadianLinuxUser, CanisRufus, CapitalLetterBeginning, CardinalDan, Cflm001, ChicJanowicz, Chris Rocen, Chrislk02, Cigarette, Cindamuse, Ck lostsword, Cmdrjameson, Coredesat, Corvus cornix, Courcelles, Creation7689, Creekid12, Crotalus horridus, Cwlq, D6, DARTH SIDIOUS 2, DCNanney, DO'Neil, Dacoutts, Dali, DannyNemer, Darkwind, Davepape, David in DC, De728631, Dennis Brown, Deor, DerHexer, DerechoReguerraz, Destroyer470, Discospinster, DivF, Dndn91, Dningale, Doctorevil64, Downunder112, Dragons flight, Dreadstar, Drmaik, Dysmorodrepanis, E.Fokker, EAhmadNawaz, ERobson, ESkog, Ebe123, Edgarde, Endlessmike 888, Endofskull, EngineerFromVega, Engineerniaz, Enigmaman, Epbr123, Eraveling, Erikvanthienen, ErinHowarth, Esrever, Essjay, Etertingt, FCSundae, Fibonacci, Fish and karate, Flauto Dolce, Fluffernutter, Fram, Free-encyclopedia, FreplySpang, Gaff, Gaiusknight, Ga maliel, Garion96, Ged UK, Generalboss3, Geni, Georgia guy, Gfoley4, Gilliam, Gilo1969, Gimmemoretime, Godrocks1234, Goethean, Golbez, GoldenGlory84, Goodranch, GorillaWarfare, Gracenotes, GreatWhiteNortherner, GregAsche, Grenavitar, Grstain, Gwernol, Gyepi, HEL, HJ Mitchell, Haaqfun, Hamsterlopithecus, Hardouin, Helevorn, Hmains, Hmrox, Hmwith, HoodedMan, Hullaballoo Wolfowitz, IanManka, Imranbkazi, In fact, Info. dinesharyal, Intelligentsium, Intermediate-Hacker, J. elanoy, JGF Wilks, JW1805, JaGa, Jagged 85, Jahangirbijarani, Jaraalbe, Jeff5102, Jeffex5, Jennavecia, JimWae, Jjc2002, Jk2q3jrklse, Jlpspinto, JoanneB, Johnpennye, Jonathunder, Josh3580, Joshdboz, Jpgordon, JuneGloom07, Just zis Guy, you know? , Justinbhill, JzG, Keegan, Keptbriefly, Kingparkash93, Kinneyboy90, Kmorozov, KnightMove, KnowledgeOfSelf, Korossyl, Kowalmistrz, Krisos, Kross, Kumarrao, L Kensington, Lachiestitch, Lan-astaslem, LaszloWalrus, Latka, Leafyplant, Legionas, Light48, LightOnLight, LikeLakers2, Lil ac Soul, Little Mountain 5, Lopo, Lord Emsworth, Ltimur, Lukehodgso, Luna Santin, M48b, MC10, MR. 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Friday, August 30, 2019
Do you think IQ will determine your success in life Essay
Have a successful life is everyone’s goal. Most of people think people who have higher IQ would always have a successful life. They believe that people who had talent is always better than people who don’t. However I think IQ would not determine people’s success in life. I would say have a higher IQ just can help people easier to do things but this doesn’t mean that people can do everything without they try hard and work hard. There are so many people that have higher IQ but they don’t even work hard to try their best. They never try to improve themselves, they just keep waste their precious talent. On the other hand there are people who don’t have higher IQ but they always work hard and try to improve themselves. I think people who never work hard will never success even they have a smart brain. I believe that if I want to have a successful life the only one thing I should do is to try my best. No matter I am a smart person or not, if I want to success in my life I better work as much as I can. Because in this world there is no one can get everything without hard working. Life is just like a race, you have to keep running away from destiny and never let destiny catch you. If you win this race, destiny will not affect you anymore and you will be the boss of your life. Nothing can make you fear and nothing can defeat you. Therefore I think life is based on choice. Because when people really want to change something in their life they can always defeat their destiny. I believe that life is led by myself and I am the guy who will decide where to go in my future. Every decision I make would all depend on my willingness and nothing can affect me except myself.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Human fossils Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Human fossils - Essay Example One of the species that can be related to human is the Sahelanthropus tchadensis sp. nov. with the specimen found in Chad specifically the Djurab Desert and commonly called ‘Toumai.’ The particular specimen was tentatively recognized to exist 6 to 7 million years ago (Brunet et. al. 146). The find had been astonishing according to NPR’s interview with David Kestenbaum who expressed that compared to Lucy with protruding facial anatomy which he referred to as snout, Toumai or the Sahelanthropus tchadensis sp. nov. already had a flat face which is very similar to the appearance of the humans in the modern time. This is remarkable due to the fact that the fossil is significantly older than the group where Lucy belongs, which is the A. afarensis. Compared to living apes, Sahelanthropus has ‘smaller canines and apical wear and a full occlusion.’ It is also very distinct from other recorded hominids and related genus. With other related specimens, the S. tchadensis sp. nov. has a tall facial feature with ‘massive brow ridge’ and a short mid-face (Brunet et. al. 147). The braincase indicated a brain with the same size as the Pan but smaller than that of the Gorilla and the Australopithecus (Brunet et. al. 148). The particular find is significant in the achievement of the clearer view of human evolution and the fact that there more hominids that co-existed in the early part of history, one of which can be the direct ancestor of present day humans. The Ardipithecus ramidus is another close ancestor of humans on the basis of being classified as a hominid and related to the species Australopithecus anamensis. The manner of bi-pedalism is still needed to be cleared through further discoveries of similar specimens. The brain is small or ‘pint-sized’ (Lemonick and Dorfman part 3 par. 3-6). On the other hand, the Australopithecus anamensis is recognized as a direct decendant of the A. afarensis where Lucy belongs. The
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Schumann and Stravinsky Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Schumann and Stravinsky - Research Paper Example In the 1830s he started writing piano miniatures which were extraordinary. Also it was during this time that he made his debut as a music critic and started his own journal, which became the focus of his efforts. In this journal he championed composers who had talent, and established a canon of Romantic music. It was also during these years that he composed his masterpieces; Carnaval, for piano and Dichterliebe. In 1840 he married Clara Wieck, a talented pianist inducing an element of stability in his life however this was also when his mental health started to deteriorate. His failure at opera, Genoveva, in 1843 caused him a great disappointment after which his mental state continued to deteriorate. After an attempt at suicide in 1854 he voluntarily entered an asylum. It was here that he passed away in 1856 (Worthen, 2007). In mid June 1882, Igor Fedorovich Stravinsky was born in a town near St. Petersburg in Russia. From a small age he was surrounded by music mostly because his fat her was a star singer of the Imperial Opera. When he was 9 he started piano lessons and studied music throughout his early life. In 1902 he, like Schumann, pursued a law degree however music was where his real interest was. Also just like Schumann, he started his musical career as a amateur pianist and was bilingual. Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov, his teacher started giving him regular lesson from 1905 till 1908. Although Stravinsky’s first composition was that of a Symphony, which he wrote in 1906, it was The Firebird, a ballet composed in 1910, which put him under the spotlight. This was followed by Petrushka, which like The Firebird was a modern composition of something which was fundamentally Russian. It was his third ballet, The Rite of Spring which established his name as one of the well known composers of the age. In 1920 he moved to France and formed a partnership with the company that manufactured pianos, Pleyel. During 1939 he delivered lectures in Harvard and was already working on his symphony in C. This was meant for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. It was in this year that he moved to United States and married one again. He was on the set of the Paramount Pictures in 1956, where he recorded the musical score for the production â€Å"The Court Jester†. An incorporation of many of the modern classical styles of music was a major part of Stravinsky’s professiona l life. In 1959, he received the Sonning Award, which is one of Denmark’s highest honors. He returned to Leningrad to do a series of concerts in 1962. It was in 1971 that he died at the age of 88 and was buried in Venice. The piece I have chosen from Schumann’s compositions is Fantasy for Violin and Orchestra Op. 131 played by Arnold Katz. There are several key differences between this composition and Stravinsky’s ‘Rite of Spring’. These differences also go to reflect the major changes in music over the passage of time, more specifically from the Romantic era to the Neoclassical era. You see, Schumann’s composition comprises of the key characteristics being reflected in his work. These are those of highlighting the orchestra’s highly praised 2009 Beethoven cycle. A key characteristic of Schumann’s work is a reflection of the love of nature. You see the romantic era was all about the critical
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The making of australia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The making of australia - Essay Example To arrive at the beginning of the understanding, the life of aborigines of Australia depicted by Grimshaw is helpful. The rustic lifestyle of aborigines was found to be in equilibrium wherein confrontation between men and women was minimal. The cultural significance of giving birth to a child had been well understood to its grass root by the aborigines. The baby’s birthplace entrenched its niche in the social and physical world. The governments’ approach towards the pregnant women convicts and the care provided by the governments in the period of colonization and settlement could be seen as the aborigines’ basic attitude towards child nurturing. The economic status of aborigines was well depicted in the book by Grimshaw (1994). British elite group of women had around sixty eight essential materials like head bands, swaddling cloth etc, at the time of delivery for making a pregnant women to give birth to a child; even a poorer woman of British had forty to forty-five essentials. But Aboriginals had very little preparation for giving birth. The encounter between two sets of women reveals some of the ways in which British technological superiority and cultural arrogance were to determine future relations between the two groups. On several occasions, Aboriginal women used Government House and its well-guarded grounds as a refuge from attacks by their men, a function which the British upper class were pleased to perform in the name of chivalry. Here also, the game of chivalry was enjoyed by the British elite society, which fuelled the latent barbaric instinct in aborigines. The physical strength and the way Aboriginal women acted upon during and after delivery amazed many upper middle class British women and even Aboriginal men frown on their own women for doing lengthy walks and strenuous work during and after delivery. Aborigines’ treatment of male role in
Monday, August 26, 2019
Novel Interaction Game for Kids Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Novel Interaction Game for Kids - Coursework Example The formed Tangible User Interface basically refers to a given interface whereas people interact with digital components and information by use of the physical environments. The interfaces are built on the intuitive knowledge of the objects of the physical world that people have. The objects themselves are used to provide the tangible interaction. Tangible interactions make use of the close relationship between the physical real affordances and the digital objects and thus provide initiative interfaces which promote supportive and collaborative activities as well as double-handed interactions which give its uses a sense of directness. The approach provided by the tangible interaction is that which stresses on the physical representation of data, materiality and also tangibility of user interfaces, the entire body interaction and the integration of the intuitive interface and the interaction of users in real physical contexts. Unlike the conventional learning methods, tangible interaction improves learning and offers significant advantages in learning environments. This is so because the frameworks that are adopted by the tangible interfaces guide learners and designers towards activities that encourage better and more profound learning. These interactions are therefore better in certain situations and in these situations help young learners enhance their knowledge. Better educational interaction requires a platform that enables learners to interact with the physical objects and things that they are used to during the learning process. This maintains the similarity of the learning process and actualizes it with the normal world making the learning process not only real but also adaptive (Hornecker & Eva, 2009). Tangible interactions also use an interface which remains interesting and easy to use. Such interfaces will always capture the attention and concentration of young kids and help them concentrate on their learning for longer. This is so because the platform is interactive and therefore involves them directly. The novel interaction game developed makes use of tangible interaction techniques to enhance learning among young people. It provides them with an interactive interface which makes use of physical phenomena and obstacles to promote learning. Basically, the game lets kids identify different continents at the beginning of the game and gets harder as the game progresses. For instance, it asks kids questions like to identify Europe (continent) using graphical interface and the kids are expected to interactively select the right continent displayed on the screen. This helps provide the kids with a better learning experience which is also practical. Method The novel interaction game for kids was designed using an intuitive interface whose aim was to encourage kids on learning concepts using interactive learning. This was chosen as an advanced and advantageous way of promoting the learning activity of kids. Contrary to the conventional learning methods, tangible interactive learning was formulated as a way of fully engaging kids in the learning process and improving their concentration during learning activities. The design of the tangible interaction interface was designed to let kids identify questions and tasks themselves. The identification process was designed to make use of the kids’ visual ability and en able them relate the program’s features to the physical world. The physical objects and images which have been used in the program were chosen to make the learning experience real and imaginable to the kids. This was a selected as a way of promoting
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Wyndham Adopts a Stakeholder Orientation Marketing Strategy Case Study
Wyndham Adopts a Stakeholder Orientation Marketing Strategy - Case Study Example The case study "Wyndham Adopts a Stakeholder Orientation Marketing Strategy" shows how the hotel giant Wyndham Worldwide has gained its brand image in the global market and has a huge reputation. It also shows how the company faces problems from its competitors, substitutes and also because of the wrong promotion. The company grew at a fast pace and merged with Patriot American hospitality in 1988. This new company was named as the Wyndham International Inc., this company started to implement a new aggressive strategy of acquiring hotels and companies across the globe in different parts of different countries. In 2005, Cendant Corporation took over Wyndham hotel brand and started its lodging, vacation and also in the retail business and was able to create the worldwide presence of Wyndham Worldwide and it replaced the name Cendant. Porter’s five forces are generally used for the industry analysis and for understanding the business strategy. It includes the five major factors that help to determine the competitive intensity and the competitive edge that the co0mapny has in the market. The three of Porter's five forces are related to the external sources that affect the business strategy and also results in either success or failure of the business strategies. While the other two are generally the internal factors the influence the business operations. The threat of New Entrants with respect to Wyndham Worldwide is very Low as the company has a huge capital and also a good chain present across the globe.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Potential liability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Potential liability - Essay Example Since it was its interest being served at the time of the accident, Mr. Cheatum can claim that it is liable being an employer of its Agentm, Dawn. As to Dawn, she can claim that she was not negligent in her driving. That it was Mr. Cheatum who was at fault. She can claim that she was driving in the prescribed speed limit and was on the right lane and that the accident was due in fact to the negligent act of Mr. Cheatum. As to Fast As We Can Deliver, it can claim that it has exercised diligent in hiring and supervising its employee, Dawn. That the strict liability clause, or the respondeat superior or the vicarious liability clause will not apply to him since at the time of the accident, Dawn has already finished her shift. Hence, she was not at work when the accident happened. As to DNA lab, it should not be held liable since there was no employer-employee relationship between them because Dawn was not an employee of the lab but an employee of FAST. The vicarious liability will not apply to them. "Auto Accident Injury Due to Vicarious Liability". (n.d.) Retrieved from website: Accessed on June 14,
FLSA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
FLSA - Essay Example According to this act overtime is defined as "time actually spent in worked after a prescribed threshold.†This Act give exemptions to some of the employees from its provision of minimum wage and overtime pay as well as it also exempts some particular employees only from its provision of the overtime. As these exemptions are defined narrowly, Suzy should have to contact the Wage and Hour Division office in the local area in order to check whether or not the terms and conditions would support her complaint. There are only some issues drawn in here, which can be considered under the guidelines of Department of Labor. From en entirely legal point of view, the former employer currently offering the benefits must bargain with the participants of the insurance plan, or a fair percentage must be considered. Since completely abandoning the policy may result in financial distress to a lot of employees as mentioned by the HR, an alternative plan must be sought that the company may pursue keeping in view the financial condition of the company as well as that of its employees. In order to have a better decision, employees may be involved and suggestions may be welcomed from the employees and the overall financial condition of the company may be conveyed to them, so that a better understanding may result of the
Friday, August 23, 2019
Politics and the AIDS epidemic Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Politics and the AIDS epidemic - Research Paper Example The part of the world that is affected worst by HIV infection is the sub-Saharan Africa. As of now, their is neither a cure nor a vaccine for AIDS. Thus, combating the disease is a major challenge for health care providers and biomedical scientists. AIDS and HIV infection represents one of the most public -pressing public health policy and public health problem in the world. Currently AIDS is pandemic and has significant impact on the health care costs. In the current era, HIV infection is considered to be in the end stage of a chronic disease with rapid spread among Hispanics and Blacks (Fox, 1990). Though the disease was first identified in 1981, the mode of transmission of the disease and causating agent was discovered only in 1984. In 1985, detection of the virus was developed and applied to blood transfusions. In 1987, anti-retroviral agents were manufactured and since then there has been constant upgrading of drugs to combat infection, but with no cure or vaccine for the diseas e. Currently, it is estimated that 850,000 to 950,000 Americans are living with HIV infection/AIDS (Kates, 2004). The disease is a national epidemic with severe effect on specific groups like injection drug users, gay and bisexual men, young individuals and racial and ethnic minorities. Currently, it is also increasingly affecting communities which are economically backward and also women. Since the time AIDS was diagnosed for the first time in the United States, the relationships among politics, science and health care policy have changed drastically. In the 1980s, the HIV epidemic's politics were dominated mainly by four interacting factors fear and fascination, individuals involved in the contraction and spread of the disease, endemic problems of the social policy of United States and the impact of scientific knowledge advances on policy (Fox, 1990). During the initial years, politics was considered as inimical for prevention, but not it is considered as central. The main challen ge is to facilitate prevention of spread of the virus through policies that protect the most vulnerable population. During the first decade of the AIDS epidemic in the US, the policies were hostile to several areas of research like sexuality and meedle exchange. The political climate last decade was more sympathetic and effective health policies were not there because of two important issues. One was the issue as to whether efforts towards prevention was to be targeted for high risk populations and high risk geographic areas alone, or, must be broadly based. The other was issue was uncertainty of involvement of democratic participation including various local health departments, federal government agencies and community-based organizations (Bayer, 1997). As far as international politics with regard to HIV infection/AIDS is concerned, World Bank has a major role to play for international health with regard to AIDS pandemic. The bank is mainly responsible for various efforts to combat factors contributing to the AIDS like poverty, in countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Initially, several structural adjustment programs which were often criticized by the critics were promoted. These developed several negative consequences and the World Bank, along with International Monetary Fund focused on health related issues. AIDS evoked political response and also government action. It was initially
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Hubble Space Telescope Essay Example for Free
The Hubble Space Telescope Essay The Hubble Space Telescope is a telescope placed in orbit over our planet’s atmosphere. This particular positioning (outside the earth’s atmosphere) allows the set of device to take sharp optical images of otherwise very faint spatial objects. The telescope was named after Edwin Hubble, the person who is responsible for discovering galaxies outside the milky way. In relation to the intended function of the Hubble Space Telescope, Edwin Hubble is also the one who created Hubble’s law, the calculated measurement of the rate at which the universe is expanding (Burows, 1991). The Hubble Space Telescope was launched in 1990 and has become one of the most important instruments in the history of astronomy. The data retrieved from the telescope has been responsible for ground breaking theories and help answering questions in astrophysics. In this paper, we will describe the Hubble Space Telescope and all its roles in the development of our science of astronomy. II. Engineering of the Telescope The design of the telescope consists of several parts: Optical Telescope Assembly The most important part of the Hubble Space Telescope design is the mirror and optical system. Because they are designed for different functions, there are significant differences of the Hubble Space Telescope design compare to general telescope. A general telescope is designed to observe objects illuminated with visible light, thus, the mirror of the telescope needed only to be polished to and accuracy of one-tenth of the wave length of that visible light (Spitzer, 1979). However, the Hubble Space Telescope was designed to capture object illuminated by lights ranging from ultraviolet to near-infrared. Thus, the mirror of the telescope needed to be polished to an accuracy of 1/20 of the wavelength of visible light (Burrows, 1991). It was realized that the polishing job would require extreme precision and the assistance of sophisticated tools and gadget. Thus, the polishing was performed by Perkin-Elmer, using computer-controlled polishing machines. In pursue of accuracy, Perkin-Elmer spend more than a year to complete the polishing stage. In 1981, the mirror was completed with the addition of a reflective aluminum coating 75nm thick and a magnesium protective fluoride coating 25nm thick. The additional coating was installed to increase mirror’s reflectivity in ultraviolet light (Burrows, 1991). II. 2. Ground Support The role of the ground support system of the Hubble Space Telescope was performed by the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI). The institute was established in 1983, located in Baltimore, in the Homewood campus of Johns Hopkins University and operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA). Operations of the Hubble Space Telescope are monitored 24 hours a day by the Hubble Flight Operations Team which consist of four teams of flight controllers. The ground support has the responsibility to manage the scientific operation of the telescope and oversee the delivery of data products to astronomers. The engineering support required for the operations is provided with NASA at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland (STScI, 2003). The ground support team has had some incident relating to the delay of Hubble’s launch schedule. The launch was delayed for four years to account for the Challenger disaster. The mirrors and other instruments were to be kept in clean rooms until the rescheduled launch. In 1990 however, when the launch was finally performed, the dust that has accumulated on the mirror required nitrogen dusting and the system needed to be tested extensively again to ensure safety (STScI, 2003). II. 3. Spacecraft System The designers of the project stated that the spacecraft that carried the Hubble out to space was considered a big engineering challenge. First and foremost, it must have the capability of enduring the major changes in temperature, as the craft would pass through direct sunlight as well as dark areas of Earth’s shadow. The spacecraft must also be stable enough to allow extremely accurate pointing of the telescope. Finally, a shroud of multi-layered insulation was installed to keep telescope’s temperature stable including a light aluminum shell. To address the stability issue, a graphite-epoxy frame was installed within the aluminum shell to keep Hubble and its parts aligned and in tact.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Gender Inequality: Causes and Impacts
Gender Inequality: Causes and Impacts Research Paper: Gender Inequality For many centuries, men have been the dominant gender and women have been the minority. Men were the breadwinners†and women just stayed home and took care of the housework and children. Women barely had any rights. Their husbands could abuse them and get away with it easily. Fortunately, over a period of time, things have slowly changed. However, this is still a very serious and widespread problem. Women are still at the bottom of the chain. What was the cause of this inequality and what will be the consequences if this problem continues to linger? Gender inequality, in my definition, is the unequal and biased treatment between the two sexes. I strongly believe that the unequal treatment of women is something that should have stayed in primitive times. We are in the present now and we are far more advanced than we ever were and yet we are old school in our thinking of how men and women should be treated. I can strongly identify with gender inequality because many of my closest friends have faced it or still face it. Materialist theories define gender inequality as a result of how men and women are tied to the economic structure of society. They believe that womens role as a mother and wife are devalued by society and deny access to highly respected public opportunities. Gender inequality is definitely something that we often take for granted; it is accepted and seems so normal in society. These differences often seem invisible to us even though it happens in our everyday life in everything from employment and education to polit ics and the media without us being aware of it. Before we look at the gender inequalities in paid employment, it is vital to look at unpaid labor and the discriminations that women face. History has shown us that the roles and responsibilities for men and women were already chosen for them. In the United Kingdom, there was a trend of male dominance in employment until World War II where women gained male-orientated jobs for the first time whilst the men fought in the front line. Before this, the males were often the breadwinners and therefore provided for their family. On the other hand, the females were more inclined to be involved in unpaid labor often labeled as housewives who performed chores around the family home and looked after the children. You could apply Leslie Feinberg’s theory to this as back then it was just accepted and seen as the way of life for men and women. It was found in a study in 2006 that on average ‘women spent 180 minutes per day on housework; that’s 78% more time than men who spent only 101 minutes per day.’ This reveals that even in current society women are still accepted to partake in unpaid labor through housework rather than be in employment and this reflects the past in the United Kingdom. A very good example of this are the employment rates in the UK as it was around 79% for men and 70 % for women which has remained unchanged since 1999. (Office of National Statistics, 2008). It has to be said that in recent times, the division between males and females is less evident but inclination towards male dominance in employment is still shown. It was reported that the gender pay gap in the UK is one of the highest in Europe: women who work full-time earned 17% less per hour than men and women working part-time earned 39% less per hour than men working full-time. (Office of National Statistics, 2008) In the United States, the average working woman earns only 77 percent of what the average working man makes. However, women’s place in society and in employment has improved greatly since the Equal Pay Act of 1970. Over the years, there has been an increase of women in the workplace with women working in a larger number of senior positions. This reveals that even though there have been improvements in some areas, men often still have the upper hand in employment. Today, this gender inequality is accepted in society which reveals a strong unfairness against women in employment. Men and women still follow very different career paths. Men are much more likely than women to be employed in skilled trades whereas women are more likely than not to be forced into working lower paid labor jobs such as cleaning. ‘Women tend not to put their whole bodies into engagement in a physical task with the same ease and naturalness as men’ (Young, Iris. M, 207). There is the national organization for tradeswomen called ‘Women and Manual Trades (WAMT) who support training women to wo rk in plumbing, building and electricians for example. As well as this, they address the problem of low female representation in such work. Although there are organisations such as the WAMT who support women working in skilled trades the likeliness of women to partake in such a job is still very low and shows little improvement. This, yet again, reveals the strong dominance of men in employment worldwide. The notion of being a female is considered to have more challenges than male within the mass media. There is an unbalanced and stereotyped representation of women in the media and a lot of the time they are dominated by men in their roles. Gender inequalities traditionally were greatly enforced in media output with women being used in advertisements to sell anything from cars to tobacco. As well as this, women were often portrayed as ‘sex objects’ in the media, especially in the 1980’s when men’s magazines were first distributed. This still happens in rec ent times as women are displayed in the magazines mostly for male entertainment which is a major gender inequality as it uses the objectification of women. As well as this, women often feel insecure and are forced to impress men by copying what they see in the magazines. This happens in most of the media from the magazines and newspapers to advertisements in television they are such powerful forces which influence society to a great extent. Furthermore, women in more contemporary media are still sexualized and the men still look at women in the same way as before. It was discovered in the late 1990’s that ‘44% of music videos contain sexual imagery. Women are far more likely than men to be presented in provocative or revealing clothing and sexually objectified.’ This links to female stereotypes and sexualization which are abused in this present day in media especially with the rapid growth of the internet in recent years often through sexual images of women linke d to the sex industry such as pornography being easily accessible on the internet which often depicts women as mere entertainment for men. The nature of pornography is a prime example of the sexualized representation of women in society. Gender inequality is not an issue that can be resolved within a day or two, and reaching our final goal of equality is not going to be an easy step, all we can do is break it down into many factors and give it time to pay off. First part of our resolution is educational wise, which is basically teaching our young ones counter gender stereotypes from kinder-garden, and holding on to these beliefs all the way till college. This can be done by showing both sexes that there aren’t any male or female biased sports, there isn’t a major that a girl shouldn’t get into because it’s a â€Å"man major†, those stereotypes should be totally eradicated from all new generations. Another part of our resolution is promoting equality in the labor fields; maybe have a long lasting initiative to promote equality in all labor fields. Some people might say that women cannot perform many jobs that men do like construction working, well during WW2, women were the only ones doing these â€Å"men jobs†while all the men were gone to fight in the war. Another possible way to resolve our issue is through celebrities and TV. Nowadays, everyone’s role model is a Hollywood star, a singer, a model, so basically a celebrity. Why don’t we make these celebrities indirectly implant the idea of equality in our human brains, why don’t they show us that males and females are capable of doing the same jobs and quests and that segregation is not needed. Again, I repeat that this won’t be an easy process and it might take a very long time but at the end of the day, gender inequality is a very big issue and it has to be resolved sooner or later. Humanity requires both men and women, and we are equally important and need one another. So why are women viewed as less than equal? These old attitudes are drilled into us from the very beginning. We have to teach our boys the rules of equality and respect, so that as they grow up, gender equality becomes a natural way of life. And we have to teach our girls that they can reach as high as humanly possible. We have a lot of work to do, but we can get there if we work together. Unless women and men both say this is unacceptable, things will not change. With determination, commitment and strong belief, we can achieve our goal.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Analysis of the Indian Chyawanprash manufacturer YuvAnaH
Analysis of the Indian Chyawanprash manufacturer YuvAnaH Company profile: YuvAnaH is an Indian company which manufactures Chyawanprash. It was established in 2004. It is positioned as a company which manufactures exclusively Chyawanprash. It is known to have provided good quality Chyawanprash for all age groups, across social boundaries. It has received various certificates over the years which include Certificate of Good Manufacturing Practices to manufacture Ayurveda, HACCP and GMP Certification in compliance with the Food Drug Administration regulation. YuvAnaH is ISO 9002 certified. Vision: Focus on growing their core brands across categories, reaching out to new geographies, within and outside India. Mission Their mission goes beyond the mere provision to heal ailments and extends to helping people live long, healthy and productive lives. They seek to explore harness the tremendous potentials of Ayurveda offer the goodness for human welfare. Objectives: Products: YuvAnaH Chyawanprash: This is ordinary Chyawanprash. It contains all the basic ingredients of Chyawanprash and can be consumed by people belonging to all age groups. YuvAnaH Chocolate Chyawanprash: This is chocolate flavored Chyawanprash targeting children and people who favor chocolates. It will be marketed as a product with added benefits of chocolates. YuvAnaH Sugar-free Chyawanprash: This is targeted to diabetic patients since it does not contain artificial sweeteners. YuvAnaH Chyawanprash (for summer):This Chyawanprash is specially made for the summer season to provide protection against infections that are common during the season. YuvAnaH Diet Chyawanprash: This product is specially designed for the Diet conscious with particular ingredients. YuvAnaH Chyawanprash (for pregnant women): Pregnant women are advised not to have chyawanprash. This product will cater to the needs of a pregnant woman. YuvAnaH Chyawanprash (for Skin): This product contains added herbs which are beneficial for a glowing skin. According to Ayurveda, Chyawanprash comes under the category of Rasayana which aims at maintaining youthfulness, vigor, vitality of the body and keeping away aging process, senility and debility. It maintains the proper functioning of the cells and rejuvenates the cells. However, the main ingredient, regardless of the exact formula is always amla or amalaki, a tropical gooseberry that is the worlds richest source of vitamin C. It is, moreover, a source that remains stable in storage for years. Digestive and immune system: Chaywanprashs basic ingredient amla has 30 times more vitamin C than orange and helps in strengthening the immune system and expediting the healing process. Regular intake of chyawanprash strengthens digestion, absorption and assimilation of food and balances stomach acids. Heart and Brain The perfect blend of Ayurvedic herbs acts as a cardiac stimulant and nourishes the brain cells by supporting the nervous system and enhances co-ordination and memory power. The tonic is good for students as it increases retention and recall. Lung, Liver and Kidneys The smooth functioning of the lungs is facilitated by the regular intake of chyawanprash.Chyawanprash helps purify blood and invigorates the liver and helps to eliminate toxins. It helps the downward flow of energy in the body and eases constipation. Other Benefits The holistic traditional formula of chyawanprash improves skin complexion, glow and fights dermal bacterial infection. It promotes hair growth and helps absorption of calcium resulting in strong bones and teeth. It is especially good for alleviating cough and asthma. The anti-oxidant properties of the tonic act against the ageing process and maintain youthfulness. Canada Canada: Canada is a country occupying most of northern North America, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. It is the worlds second largest country by total area, and shares land borders with the United States to the south and northwest. Demographics: Capital: Ottawa Largest City: Toronto Currency: Canadian Dollar Population of Canada: (2008 estimate) 33,157,200 (0.51% of World population) Population growth rate: 0.869% Birth Rate 10.75 births/1,000 population Density: 3.2/km ²Ã‚ (219th) It is the worlds second largest country by total area.(Area: 99884670 km^2 Even though the density is just 3 persons per square kilometer , a majority of population is concentrated in the narrow band along the U.S. border, leaving a major portion of the land mass unoccupied. Distribution of population: Population Distribution by Age Group 0-14 17.9% 15-64 69.1% 65+ 13.0% Population of Main Metro Areas: Toronto 5,203,571 Montreal 3,607,150 Vancouver 2,159,994 Ottawa-Gatineau (Capital) 1,142,708 Calgary 1,037,136 Edmonton 1,001,636 Quebec City 710,801 Hamilton 702,396 Winnipeg 698,210 London 459,697 Considering the fact that a majority of population lives in the metros mentioned above, majority of our marketing promotions will concentrated in those areas. Economic Environment: Gross National Product: $760 Purchasing power parity(per capita) $29,400 (According to the World Bank Economic Groups, Canada falls under the high per capita income category) Canada was the only country from G7 to record a surplus in 2006 and 2007. It was estimated to be the only country from G7 to record a surplus in 2008 as well. Canada is on track to eliminate its net debt by 2021. By doing so, Canada will be able to count itself among the very few OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries that are in a net asset position. The OECD forecasts Canadas surplus will be 0.8 per cent of GDP in 2008, compared to an expected average deficit of 2.7 per cent in the G7 countries. Trade and Economic Organization Memberships Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation Commonwealth Group of Eight (G8) International Monetary Fund La Francophone North Atlantic Treaty Organization Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Organization of American States United Nations (and its subsidiary agencies) World Bank World Trade Organization Thus, the size of the market and the nature of the economy portray a positive economic environment of Canada and favor the establishment of business relations with it. Cultural environment: Established in 1867 as a nation without war or rebellion, Canadians are most likely to be described as friendly, peaceful, polite, modest. They have a unique culture and deeply rooted values and traditions and though they enjoy cordial relations with their neighbor; the United States; they are not Americans. They love to laugh , often at their own expense, since they dont always take themselves too seriously. Language: Unlike many countries Canada has 2 official languages; English and French. A majority of French speakers-called francophones-live in Quebec. Thus they have a bilingual culture. This fact will be kept in mind by resorting to bilingual labeling and advertising and bilingual press releases. Creativity: Canadians value creativity and support its nurturing in all walks of life. They are not resistant to change. Attitudes and Values: Canadians struggle with how to promote their image as Canadians and separate themselves from Americans. Our marketing strategies will take care of this cultural factor. Canadians are practical in their approach. They speak their minds and voice their opinions and are open to those of others. British novelist Douglas Adams said each country was like a particular type of person, and Canada is like an intelligent 35 year old woman. America, on the other hand, is a belligerent adolescent boy Canadians tend to dislike excessive promotion. It is favorable to skip the hype and focus on the facts. They also tend to dislike companies which make negative comparisons with Canadian products. Religion: Canada has a wide mix of religions and there is no official religion of Canada; though a majority of the population follows Christianity, followed by a large number of people who claimed to have no religious affiliation. Family structure: a typical family structure in Canada in 2005 was a spouse and no children below the age of 13; at least one child between the age of 13 and 24. Political Environment: Canada has a federal parliamentary democracy within a constitutional monarchy. In general, Canadian politics have not operated through revolutionary, swift changes. Instead, change is typically slow and worked out through compromise between interest groups, regional consultations, and the government of the day. India and Canada have always had a healthy trade relationship. Thus , political environment is also favorable and there will not be any major issues as far as the government is concerned. Legal Environment: Canada can guarantee investors the overall lowest tax rate among developed countries. One important factor is the legal system in Canada is that although their criminal law system nationally and the civil law system in most of Canada is based on the English precedent-based system of common law, civil law in the Province of Quà ©bec is based on the French Code Napolà ©on. For this reason, we should ensure that our Canadian legal advisors are well versed in both systems. Few laws that are different to Quebec particularly are as follows: Generally speaking, a French firm name may be accompanied by its English version, provided that the French version appears at least as prominently; however, in some cases, use of the English version of a firm name is only permitted if the French version is markedly predominant, meaning the French text must have a much greater visual impact than the text in another language. Product labelling: Every inscription on a product, its container or wrapping, or on a leaflet, brochure or card supplied with it, including the directions for use and warranty certificate, must be drafted in French. Public signs, posters and commercial advertising: Public signs, posters and commercial advertising may also be bilingual, provided that the French is markedly predominant. However, large billboards or signs that are visible from any part of a public highway must be exclusively in French, unless they are displayed on the firms premises. Likewise, signs on public transportation vehicles, such as buses and subways, must be exclusively in French, unless they are used regularly to transport passengers or merchandise both inside and outside Quà ©bec, in which case the signs may be bilingual. Any corporation that contravenes the Charter is liable for each offence to a fine of up to $1,400 and, for any subsequent conviction, to a fine of up to $7,000. All shipments to Canada are also subject to the 7% Goods and Services Tax (GST), a multi-stage sales tax. About Health Canada: The new face of the average Canadian health care consumer belongs to a well-educated, middle-income, middle-aged woman who is actively involved in her own well-being. She is very interested in diet and nutrition, longevity, alternative medical therapies, vitamins and antioxidants. And shes willing to pay: she spends between $500 and $1000 a year on health supplements. Respiratory and cardiovascular diseases are the major reasons for hospitalization in Canada. Other reasons include digestive diseases, genitourinary diseases, poisoning, mental disorders etc. A chart showing leading causes of death in Canada is as under: . Canadians are health conscious and try to make healthy eating decisions. According to a new study conducted by Ipsos-Reid on behalf of Sleeman Breweries, nine in ten (93%) Canadians say they try to be health conscious when making decisions about what to eat. The factors which play an important role in the eating habits of Canadians are as follows: Source: Tracking Nutrition Trends survey Key motivators to change/ improve eating habits Percentage To maintain personal health 58% To lose weight 22% To accommodate the needs of family members 10% To prevent disease 8% To look better 8% The relative importance of each of these factors, however, differed according to age, with responses related looking better being more prevalent among adults under the age of 25 (17%) and responses related to maintaining health and preventing disease being more prevalent among those over the age of 45. National Population Health Survey (NPHS) also indicated that the single biggest reason reported for avoiding or choosing certain foods for both women (80%) and men (63%) is maintaining or improving health. Diabetes: We all know that there is no quick fix for diabetes. More than 2 million Canadians have diabetes, over one third of them arent diagnosed. Forty percent of Canadians with diabetes develop long-term complications such as high blood pressure, vision loss and kidney disease. It is clear that diabetes has become a public health challenge of major proportions in Canada. Many cases of type 2 diabetes could be prevented by making healthier living choices. Childrens eating habits: Unhealthy eating habits during childhood can interfere with optimal growth and development Poor diet can predispose to a number of serious illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease and some cancers, and lead to a poorer quality of life. Increases in other nutrition-related risk factors for chronic disease in children such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and type 2 diabetes have also been found. Poor diet has also been linked to low academic performance, classroom behaviour problems and low self-esteem among school-age children. The Canadian Community Health Survey found that seven out of 10 children aged four to eight, and half of adults, did not eat the recommended daily minimum of five servings of vegetables and fruit. Children age four to eight years consumed fewer vegetables and fruit on average than any age group, 4.18 servings per day. Among girls aged 10-16 years, 83% did not consume the recommended three daily servings of milk products. More than a fifth of total calories consumed by 4-18 year olds and 18.2% of calories consumed by four to eight year old children came from the other foods category. More than a third of these other foods were reported as soft drinks, sugars, fruit drinks, animal fats, chocolate bars and potato chips. Among youth aged 14-18, one quarter of all calories came from other foods. The growing number of older and longer living Canadians, faced with health problems and being more prone to illnesses and injuries, have supported sales of medications and healthcare services in the country. Recently, a research showed that many Canadians are increasingly turning to preventive care and self-medication, thereby increasing the scope of health products like Chyawanprash. Marketing Mix: Products: YuvAnaH Chyawanprash YuvAnaH Chocolate Chyawanprash. YuvAnaH Sugar-free Chyawanprash. YuvAnaH Chyawanprash ( for summer) YuvAnaH Diet Chyawanprash YuvAnaH Chyawanprash ( for pregnant women) YuvAnaH Chyawanprash ( for skin) All YuvAnaH products will be available in a standard size of 500 gms. Branding: All our products will be branded under the name of YuvAnaH which is Sanskrit for the youthful, thereby following Umbrella Branding. Ayurveda is native to the Indian Subcontinent. Thus, the Sanskrit name YuvAnaH implies a Made in India image which works favorably for the company. Packaging and labeling: Our product will be packed in HDPE plastic containers which will be sealed with a golden foil. The federal Consumer Packaging and Labeling Act require bilingual designation of the generic name on most prepackaged consumer products. Under this Act, the following information must appear on the package/label of a consumer good sold in Canada: Drug Identification Number (DIN), Natural Product Number (NPN) or a Homeopathic Drug Number (DIN-HM) This is to ensure the people about the safety of the product. Since Canadians tend to make healthy eating decisions; the package of the product will emphasize the nutrients and herbs it contains along with its benefits. Other relevant information includes Name of the product Brand name of the product ,Country of origin ,Name and address of the local importer, Date Marking, Manufacturing, Date ,Expiry Date , Storage Batch Number and Packaging Date(PKD, )Precautionary Message ,Bar Code, Dosage, Nutritional Value (different for various flavors,) Ingredients (different for various flavors). Promotion Mix: Analysis: Electronic Media: Television in Canada: The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) operates both English-language and French-language national television networks. Both networks broadcast on two channels, one with regular programming and one with all-news programming. There are two private national television networks: CTV, broadcasting on two English-language channels (regular programming and all-news) and Global Television, broadcasting on a single English language channel. There are also 105 independent television stations in Canada. Over 98% of Canadian households own Television sets. 2 out of 3 households subscribe to Cable TV though over-the-air local television is free. 85% of Canadian consumers agree that they are too obsessed with images of youth. They feel alienated by advertisements that do not portray people like me. Government control: Quebec: Section 248 of the Consumer Protection Act 1980 provides that no person may make use of commercial advertising directed at persons less than thirteen years of age. Radio Canadians spend more time with radio compared to the US (22.2 hrs weekly) and radio enjoys a larger share of ad spending in Canada. Print Media: The newspaper with the highest circulation is the Toronto Star, and the newspaper with the highest readership per capita is the Windsor Star. Readership of community newspapers is strong despite the size of the market 70.4% of the ComBase sample read the most recent issue of their community newspaper. These readers are loyal; with most reading all 4 of the last 4 issues They read with attention reading most or all of each issue Community newspapers get high ratings from their readers. Community newspapers capture a very high proportion of exclusive readers. Point of Purchase advertising: 72% of big boxes were added in the previous nine years. 59% of all big box locations are on expressways. This gives a scope for sales through point of purchase advertising. Perception of Ayurvedic Medicines: In 2005, the Canadian government had banned the sale of Indian ayurvedic medicines in the country claiming that they contain high levels of metals like lead and mercury and arsenic, posing grave health risks. Improper manufacturing processes may result in dangerously high level of heavy metals remaining in the final product. However YuvAnaH Chyawanprash is not included in the products that are banned. Our company obtained the certificate of Good Manufacturing Practices in 2001 and also ISO 9002 certification in 1999. The products are manufactured as per Indian Standards. Authorized natural health products will either bear an eight-digit Drug Identification Number (DIN), a Natural Product Number (NPN) or a Homeopathic Drug Number (DIN-HM). This authorization indicates that the product has been assessed by Health Canada for safety, efficacy and quality. All our promotion programmes will highlight the fact that our products are legal and completely safe for consumption. Place Mix: Entry Strategy: We intend to enter Canada by directly exporting our products. The company has two distributors in Canada; one in Toronto and one in Vancouver. As shown in the demographics, these are the most populated metros of Canada. They also happen to be the cities where most of the Canadians live. These distributors stock the products in their warehouses and regularly supply to retailers over there. They have major tie-ups with many super markets and these markets sell their products. We will follow 4 level channel of distribution involving our importer, distributers and retailers. Through our distributors YuvAnaH will reach out to all the major cities of Canada some of which are Toronto Montreal, Vancouver , Ottawa-Gatineau (Capital), Calgary , Edmonton, Quebec City, Hamilton, Winnipeg, London. Competitors: Dabur Chyawanprash: The biggest and major competitor for the company is the Dabur Chyawanprash. Dabur is already an established player in this country and has a wide range of products over here. The company has a major market share in Canada. Dabur is also a very famous brand in India and thus has the edge. Himani Sona Chandi Chyawanprash: There are other competitors such as the Himani Sona Chandi Chyawanprash. This company is also an established company in India and has a wide range of products in Canadian market. Its moisturizing cream Boroplus is huge success in Canada and thus has helped company strengthen its base in Canada. Tattvas Herbs Chyawanprash is also an exporter of Chyawanprash and is available in Canada. Since the major herbs required in Chywanprash are available only in India there no manufacturers of it in Canada. Competitive edge: The prices of Dabur, Himani, and Tattvas is very high .They cater only to the high spending class of people. This leaves YuvAnaH an opportunity to target the low-spending category. None of the competitors provide chocolate flavored Chyawanprash or sugar free chyawanprash in Canada. Here, YuvAnaH has an edge over the others. The only company which has franchises in Canada is Dabur . Since our company is also planning to introduce similar kind of stores where all our products would be available company hopes to face the competition fiercely.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Classification Essay - The Types of Kids that Make Up My Generation
Classification Essay –The Types of Kids that Make Up My Generation One of the things that has troubled me as of late is my generation. The generation that is referred to is the group of people currently aged 15-21 - whether or not this is a "generation," so to speak, is irrelevant. These people, for the most part, disturb me. It frightens me to know that the people that I've grown up with are going to be leading the country and the world in the decades to come. The overwhelming majority of the kids that I've come in contact with over the past few years are apathetic monsters. They don't care about school, they don't care about themselves, and they don't care about their future. To dissect the three aforementioned attributes... Kids don't care about school. Why is it that so many kids decide that ditching school on a fairly consistent basis and/or not caring at all about their grades is the right thing to do? What could possibly be more important than school at such an age? You're a fool to tell me that getting high, going to a mall, getting trashed or any other alternative is better than going to school. You're a fool to tell me that the sole point of going to school is to see and gossip about other people with your friends. An education is the gateway to future success. The kids who don't care about school (all too many) are living for the moment, and not thinking about the long run. Instead of channelling their energies into studying, they instead take the easy way out and have fun. Who wants an incompentant oaf for President? Kids don't care about themselves. Why is it that so many kids decide that injecting themselves with various chemicals is the right thing to do? I can't tell you how many und... that there are other, harmless ways to set themselves aside from others; they also don't realize the irony that their rebellion is actually quite conformist, seeing how there already is a sizable portion of the population that can be labeled rebels. The second sad trait to this is that other, "normal" (meaning non-sheep and non-rebels) people take to liking these individuals, whether it be as friends or romantically. How a rational-thinking person can identify with these out-of-touch miscreants is beyond my comprehension. The so-called rebels act ridiculously outlandish, only to inexplicably generate positive responses from their sickening behavior from others. The rebels crave attention, and the way that they get it is through their ludicrous conduct. God forbid if they don't draw any attention... What do you think is responsible for all of the school shootings?
Sunday, August 18, 2019
recommendation essay :: essays research papers fc
Dear NCAA Executive Committee,      My name is David Brown and I am the starting quarterback for the Nittany Lions here a Penn State University. I am writing to you on behalf of my fellow intercollegiate athletes, because I feel as though we are being used. Each year my Penn State teammates and I, as well as other high-profile college teams generate millions of dollars in revenue, yet we do not get paid for our services. Millions of dollars are made every year from food, drinks, tickets, and merchandise sales because of our strenuous work, not to mention the billions of dollars made from selling TV rights to our games to major networks. Intercollegiate sports are a big business in which the players are â€Å"slave laborers.†I am not suggesting that we be given an annual salary, but I feel that we should be given stipend or some financial assistance in addition to scholarship money. For the past few years many have argued that student-athletes should be thankful for their educational opportunities in college, including the cost of tuition, books, room and board (which would be around $17,000 here at Penn State). Many also argue that if we are paid for our performances, other college talents should be paid for their contributions to their schools. However, when one looks at the vast difference in the amounts of money that different groups bring in, it makes sense why we are resentful at the millions of dollars being made off of our sweat and tears. For instance my former teammate Larry Johnson put his heart and soul into playing for the past four years. His jerseys were sold for $50 each all year around, and he never saw a dime of that money. This is just one of the many examples of unfair compensation. Each year we are under enormous pressure to perform well in the classroom and in sports and I feel that if we were given a stipend it would help alleviate some of stress we go through. As college athletes we give up many freedoms. Going to parties, hanging out with friends, or relaxing is just a few of the activities that we are unable to take part in. One of the biggest freedoms we give up is being able to hold a part time job. Although the NCAA recently lifted the rule that stated â€Å"players are not allowed to hold jobs during their playing season,†it is nearly impossible for us to work.
The Powerful Impact of Technology on Education Essay examples -- Techn
The Powerful Impact of Technology on Education Technology has become much more common in the past few years in education. It has also been a blessing to some teachers; giving them more time and helping them find a unique new way to teach their students. Computers can be found in almost every single classroom and children as young as 4 years old have been taught the basic skills on the computer. Funding and new programs for computer teaching have come a long way. In the next few years, hopefully every child will have access to learning all sorts of new concepts on the computer. Several new institutes have arisen that focus on improving technology used for educational purposes. The Institute for Computer Based Learning uses technology for higher education. Learning experts and computer experts work together daily on finding new systems to put in the schools. Their main goal is to help the children learn and have fun at the same time on the computer with specific programs. Flexible learning is a key research theme for the Institute. They have worked to further develop the understanding of task-based learning environments and telematics-based learning. These programs have a large impact of how technology in education will further in the future. Funding for technology has come a long way. In 1999 Congress approved a plan to use $689 towards educational technology programs. Different organizations have come out that use turned in receipts from local grocery stores towards getting new computers for the schools. Others organizations are raising money to buy new computers for the schools. Other organizations are raising money to be new computers and software for schools that cannot afford it. More and more organizations are real... ...heir time, we hay be surprised at how much they take advantage of the opportunity. Technology is causing educators and students to have new ways of thinking about teaching and learning. When we bring technology into our school systems, we are gibing children the opportunity to live a better life. They will have higher self-esteem and feel as though they can accomplish anything that they put their mind to. In the future, computers will be main source for teaching our young children. Who knows how far technology will really take us? References The Institute for Computer Based Learning, Heriot- Watt University A+ Learning Technology for Kids, Funding for school technology "Education Leadership". Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. V. 56, No. 5 February 1999
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Development and Design
It has been discussed at large that to sustain the revenue growth and the value; organizations need to be innovative at different strata and phases of market and product life cycle respectively. Considering the issue of Virgin Mobile, it is a matter of problem solving propelled by the uncertainty of the stakeholders support and the forecasted possibilities of failing of the existing service plans. Though; to nullify the risk factor of diminishing revenue and the brand image, substitute product coupled with service plane has been introduced.But, like most of the products it will take the brand through a wild ride to gain the market acceptance and to justify its stand against its competitors. To deal the issue strategically; the paper will assess and evaluate the product development process, while differentiating the case of new and existing products, factors of product designing, system administration for new product beta stage, re-launching of product into new market and factors invo lved in designing the proposed product. The holistic approach under the spotlight in this paper is about the process of the product development.New product development (NPD) is the concept of total cycle of the product engineering; to market the new product or the service to boost the business. The process can be executed by following a parallel dual path transition. One path looks after the idea generation, product design, and the detailing of the product engineering. But interestingly, the progression and the acceptance of the proposal of a new product can only take place; if the other side of the parallel process takes its stand.The other way that involves the activities like market research and marketing analysis carry ground work to formulate the further plans that propels the details engineering. The product life cycle management, which observes and help sustain the growth of the market share through the quadrants of the life cycle curve, considers the development of the new p roduct to be the first stage of promoting and marketing the new product in the entire product life cycle.In this inception stage, the development process has structured steps of thinking about the product, its viability to the target audience, its needs and the features required, the sales projection and the revenue expected to be generated, having a real time experience with the product proposed and the other ancillary plans to make the product market. The above stated gist can be technically explained under the following sub-headings. Idea Generation: The brainstorming activity for the new product can only take place when the organization has already conducted the SWOT and the opportunity analysis.A clear conception out these tests helps ideate to take the project forward. This also takes the process to its next level of idea screening. Idea Screening: As the meaning of screening suggests; it eliminates the possible unwanted elements in the course of the new product development. I t seeks about the product benefit to the customers. The size and the projected growth factors in the new market and the market trend of the product or service concept is based on. This to measure how feasible will it be to manufacture the same; technically in regard of cost to price ratio.Concept Development and Testing: In short, this involves the product engineering, which further involves the issues like, end users, the features, product benefit, and cost effectiveness of the product, experiencing a real time scenario and deciding on the actual market price. To gather knowledge on these; it takes a thorough survey of the target segment. Business Analysis: Depending on the potential customer feedback and the competitors stand, the process again revises the ideal selling price of the proposed product to be marketed.Other measures that follow the suite are the sales volume projection calculated on market size, estimated bottom-line and the break-even point. Beta Stage: This is a dra matic event of conducting the real time execution of the proposed product. This is the prototype stage where the product is being used on the customer to collect feedbacks and acceptance by introducing at the shows and conducting interviews. This helps to build the brand identification process that will boost the initial selling in the actual scenario.Technical Implementations and Commercialization mostly considered as the post-NPD activity consider the ancillary factors like the resource estimation, operational planning and the vendor line-up and the other logistic issues. Besides, it steers the post NPD promotional agendas and the channel management too (Ulrich and Eppinger, 2004). To manufacture a new product that suites the market, it needs an important consideration of the factors that make the product designing a success in the market.In the gamut of product management; credit for the successful new product designing that took the market decently, goes to the category of indus trial designing. This genre has an unparallel contribution to product designing in terms of technical know-how, product, its process, aesthetics, usability, and ergonomics. It has the keen observation on product engineering, attributes, market placement; leading to attractiveness, psychology, customers’ need, want and desire and the emotional attachment of the end users with the brand.According to different designers and school of thought the designing aspects may vary though (Pulos, 1988). The factors of new product designing are the professional concepts to create and develop inputs that strike the balance and logisize the function, value and the look of the products and services to leverage a common benefit for both the user and the manufacturer. The concept is big enough to encompass the entire development process of a new product. But in the year 1967, the total concept has focused of the five major backgrounds as per Dreyfuss.Utility: This counts on the products’ user interface in terms of safety, ergonomic approach, and the perceived value of the consumers. Here the concern about the features is about communicating there utilities to the customers. Likewise Virgin’s Data card alone; gives an internet support on go. It is mobile and can enhance the communicating usage of laptops or notebooks. Further, the alternative plan of strategic partnership with IT companies will facilitate the communication features of the notebooks; following a diversified revenue earning.Appearance: This factor reflects the plan and the success of stand-alone proposed product in the crowd of the competitors to stand out of the crowd. As the market is flooded with me too products, the factor like this takes care of form, shape, size, proportion, and color to provide the customers a pleasing presentation. This is particularly in terms of the data card only, not the product development and enhancement with strategic partnership. Ease of maintenance: In this jet age, clients will hardly have the spare to dedicate and cherish the product.The main concern would be the performance and service of the product, for which the factor stated shoulders the responsibilities of easy maintenance, which will not need high involvement of the owner and accessibility to the service hubs for effective after-sales-service. Low costs: To equip the product with forms and features the market price of the same finally goes up. For Virgin; it should bear in mind that proposed product is going to make-up the revenue gap and is set to gain back the confidence of the stake holders.Thus keeping the cost low will help the product and organization to penetrate the new market and introduce the newly developed product smoothly. Communication: This is the factor that highlights the visual features of the product and of course the organizational and brand image. Communication reflects the philosophy of the company; with which the stake holders are heavily involved. In case the product is communicated well from all the aspects; it will help to go off the rack fast, with a promise of yielding more revenue from the process.The entire process plays a significant role surrounding the forte of industrial designing and goes hand-in-hand to lay down the factors of product designing for a successful commercialization (Ulrich and Eppinger, 2004). After the session long development process of a new product the most challenging stage comes with the appearance of moment of truth. At this stage; the organization put proposed product in a usable model to collect the customers’ reactions to predict potential future of the product in the real market situation.Though mostly people consider prototype to be a fully functional model with full form and shape, to be examined by the potential customers, it is further subdivided by the designers as the comprehensive prototype and the focused prototype. The initial type is the essential form the model determining the s uccess and the coordination of all the components, and judging how well they are functioning together. Where as the latter; being focused deals with the limited number of attributes and features.The model; here is more ken in observing certain areas of concern. This can be of importance while developing an existing product design, where the designer knows the particular area needs to be modified or revamped. But; to ensure the smooth running of the concept, a system administration is required to steer the phase. This counts the administrative faculties like, Quality of the user interface that will evaluate whether the data card is understandable by the user and is easy to handle or jack-in into the ports of notebooks.Will the Emotional appeal meet the psychological needs of the customers to make the product a success? Maintenance and repairing process should be easy and user friendly to the users. Appropriate use of resources oversees the right usage of features that will fetch the customer his or her value for money, etc (Crawford and Di Benedetto, 2004). As discussed earlier; the new product involves an extensive development plans, considering both the aspects of present and new products and markets to place in the market in the successfully. But in case of existing product it has edgeSource: Harvard Business Review over the new products as it already holds the earned market share and the awareness. But to boost the performance of the existing products; organizations re-launch and redesign, which creates atleast three key differences than that of the new product development. For a company to expand with its existing product; Market penetration is the least risky key to adopt. As the penetration happens when a company enters the market with existing product, the first approach is to do the poaching of the competitors’ client base.Further it can attracts the non users and the existing users to increase the usage by means of promotional activities and hi ghlighting the enhanced attributes the will make the life of the new and existing users’ life better. This is the key of existing markets and existing products. In case of an existing product; the key of the Market development can help the same to fit in and create new segments with its established brand image, like Lucozade shifted from the sick children target segment to the athletes.Here the market was not new; but the company, which got into motion with time. Companies can use the key of Product development too, where the market exists but the product is new, though for the company; not for the market as the presence of other brands have made the product an existing one, the organization is venturing with its version to squeeze more revenue from the old product too (Ansoff, 1957). The conclusive step of the entire development process circles around the factors that govern the proposed product.The stand alone product like data card should concentrate on the concept evaluat ion measuring the technical and the marketing factors to know the rank of the product at the present state. It controls the financial issues too including the tariff to stand the competition. As the proposal has been made after the initial stages of the developmental process, it becomes more focused, which leads to stage commercialization.In the technical development task it undertakes the responsibilities of the protocols of the prototype and the production line up to make it eventually ready to scale up at the time requirement and subsequently to market the product proposed. Besides, marketing strategies holds plans for business proposals, product augmentation and launch the marketing activities to complete the process of proposed product designe. Reference Ansoff, I. (1957). Strategies for Diversification. Harvard Business Review, 35, 5, 113-124. Crawford, M. and Di Benedetto, A. (2004). New Products Management. (7th ed). New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies. Pulos, A.J. (1988). The American Design Adventure 1940-1975. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. Ulrich, K.T. and Eppinger, S.D. (2004). Product Design and Development (3rd ed). New York: McGraw-Hill. Ullman, D.G. (2009). The Mechanical Design Process (4th ed). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Advantage and Disadvantage of Offshore Outsource
Benefit of the Offshore Outsource 1) Improve the customer service Using high-quality specialist external providers can allow companies to capitalize on their strengths and, indirectly, help to improve customers’ experience of using such companies’ products or services. External providers can help a company’s competitiveness by delivering greater flexibility and responsiveness than would be available in-house. 2) Swiftness and Expertise Most of the times tasks are outsourced to vendors who specialize in their field.The outsourced vendors also have specific equipment, technical expertise, better experience and skills. Most of the times better than the ones at the outsourcing company. Effectively the tasks can be completed faster and with better quality output. 3) Concentrating on core process rather than the supporting ones Outsourcing the supporting processes gives the company more time to strengthen their core business process. The company will have more time to put more effort, develop ideas and plan the strategies on the core business activity. ) Risk-sharing Usually the main factors to outsource the company is risk-analysis. Outsourcing certain business activity process helps the company to shift certain responsibilities to the outsourced vendor. Since the outsourced vendor is a specialist, they plan your risk-mitigating factors better and recommend several method to improve the operations. 5) Reduced Operational and Recruitment costs Outsourcing prevent the need to hire individuals in-house; hence recruitment and operational costs can be decreased to a great extent.This is one of the prime advantages of offshore outsourcing to make the company operation cost-effective. The Disadvantages/ Weaknees of Offshore Outsourcing Even though offshore outsourcing gives advantage mainly on cutting the cost site but the other way offshore outsourcing sometimes bring disadvantage to the company. A company must identify what is the risk to offshore ou tsourcing to avoid loss. The disadvantage are : 1) Loss of the managerial control Once a company sign a contract to outsource all or several part of the department, the company are turning the managerial function to other company.The managerial control will belong to the different company and its function will not be driven by the same standards and mission of the main company. The outcource company will only focus on how to gain profit rather than to meets the main objective of the management. 2) Loss of gain knowledge and information When a company outsourcing the business activity, the company will loss the opportunity to get knowledge and information that could benefit other company. Knowledge provide competitive advantage to sustain the strengthness of the company.As a result, when a business activity been given to the other company, the company will have more skills, knowledge regarding to manage the activity. 3) Threat to security and company secret Data and information relat ed to the company will given to the outsource company for the operation matter. The information can be threat to the company because the other company can use the information to compete with our company. Most of the outsource company their goals are only to make more profit rather than to follow the objective oforiginal company.At the end, both of the company compete each other to conquer the market. 4) Quality problem The outsourcing company will be motivated by profit. Since the contract will fix the price, the only way for them to increase profit will be to decrease expenses. As long as they meet the conditions of the contract, you will pay. In addition, you will lose the ability to rapidly respond to changes in the business environment. The contract will be very specific and you will pay extra for changes.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Hart and Positivism Essay
According to Hart law consists of primary and secondary rules. The primary rules are the rules that are â€Å"rules of obligation.†(Hart. Pg 204) This means that primary rules are rules that obligate a person to do something or to not do something. For example, the first Amendment, â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceable to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.†( The first Amendment is an example of a primary rule because it directly affects the people of the United States of America by allowing them to have the freedom of religion, press and expression. This is an example of obligating a person not to do something, which means that the person is not obligated to have any other religion other than their own, for example. The second part of law is the secondary rules. Secondary rules only affect primary rules. This means that a secondary rule can help clarify, alter, eliminate, bring into effect, verify or determine whether a primary rule has been broken. For example the only reason we have the first amendment of the United States Constitution is because of Article 5 of the U.S. Constitution which states, The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate. ( Article 5 of the constitution is a perfect example of a secondary rule (in this case a â€Å"rule of change†) because it allows one to see exactly how a secondary rule affects a primary rule. With Article 5 of the Constitution, the United States is capable of applying amendments to the constitution (or otherwise known â€Å"the Law of the Land†) of the United States. Article 5 of the constitution is an example of a secondary rule classified as a â€Å"rule of change†as stated by Hart. A â€Å"rule of change†allows an office or officials to be able to implement new primary rules so as to be able to adapt to the changing of times and the constant creation of new situations. The â€Å"rule of change†simply allows the system to be able to adapt to their society and not allow the primary rules to go static. To become a law there are two parts that need to happen, according to Hart. First there needs to be the initiation of a primary rule statute by a delegated official or office in power. Once the primary rule is made a secondary rule, the rule of recognition, is enacted. The rule of recognition simply allows private persons and officials the ability to be able to identify the primary rules of obligation. This secondary rule conclusively identifies the primary rules of obligation so as not to be confused as to what are the obligations the primary rule bestows. To have primary rules of obligation and secondary rules of recognition, there needs to be an office or official to be able to adjudicate these rules. To be able to adjudicate these rules there would need to be an additional secondary rule of adjudication. This would allow a judge to be able to determine whether or not the primary rule has been broken. Within the rule of adjudication there would also be rules on the roles of the judge as well as identifying who are to be the judges. With the rule of adjudication there is no question of whether or not a law has been broken and this solidifies the primary rule of obligation. With the ideas of Hart this shows that laws and morality can be separable, but they are not necessarily separated. It is possible to have a separation between low and morality by having some sort of primary rule that would state â€Å"no one rule will introduce the morals or characters of others into the legal system.†It is also possible though for an official delegate to implement a primary rule into the legal system and have it backed by a secondary rule of recognition. Having the secondary rule of recognition would potentially make the morality based primary law a valid legal law. In Hart’s idea morality and law are â€Å"separable†, in the meaning that they are capable of being separated, but they are in no way impossible to be able to be combined in law. Without there being a way to identify morality and making it a subordinate to statute, there can’t be a definite separation with Harts theory. Work Cited 1. Reading in the Philosophy of Law (pg 202-207) 2. (1st Amendment, Article 5 of the Constitution)
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Created in the Image of God Essay
The theme â€Å"Created in the Image of God†is saying that everyone is special and no human life should be wasted because God loves us all equally and has a plan for everyone. This theme also explains that everyone is created differently for a reason. The song Don’t Laugh at Me is about the people in the world that are made fun of and Mark Wills is saying that in God’s were all the same. The song Don’t Laugh at Me represents the theme â€Å"Created in the image of God†because Mark Wills is explaining that God made us all different for a reason and he loves us all equally and we shouldn’t be treated different because we have braces or because we are blind; we should all be treated the same. The theme of Narcissism is a self-centered love. Narcissism is when you love the way you look more than you love others, it is being obsessed with the way you look. The TV show Jersey Shore is a show where there are eight people living in a house and they go partying every night and they are all obsessed with the way they look. The TV show Jersey Shore represents the theme of Narcissism because the cast members of Jersey shore are all obsessed with the way they look, they go to the gym every day, they spend way too much time on their hair and on their clothes. The theme â€Å"When Love Goes Wrong†is explaining to us when we should know that your relationship is not good anymore and if we realize these things happening in our relationship, we should get out of the relationship. The song The Best Days of Your Life is about a guy cheating on his girlfriend and he got the other girl pregnant. His girlfriend is now trying to get over him. The song The Best Days of Your Life represents the theme â€Å"When Love Goes Wrong†because the couple in the song, their relationship was ruined when the boyfriend cheated on his girlfriend. The theme of inclusivity is including everyone and making them feel welcome even if you aren’t best friends with them. The picture I chose of children playing shows the three children sitting down playing and one child standing and it represents the three children letting the one child play with them. The picture of children playing represents the theme of Inclusivity because these children are letting the one child play with them even though they may not like that child, they are being nice and letting him play with them, because they are doing the catholic thing to do by letting him play with them.
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